Saturday 19 July 2014

Rapists In Waiting

All men are rapists, or rapists in waiting. Waiting for that one moment to suddenly unveil our true intentions, waiting for that one moment to rudely shatter a woman's innocence, waiting for that one moment to destroy her virginal state - leaving her bloodied and broken and forever shattered, a perpetual whimpering and powerless victim.

This is the crass thinking of the brainwashed, monomaniacal feminist. This is the droning cant of the fervent new convert to the new religion. This is the inner poison that makes so many feminists unable to have good relationships - though I'll state that in my view it also makes them unfuckable and most definitely unmarryable.

It is wryly ironic that while the world is filled with bastard men (no fathers and no hearts, unfeeling) - likewise the world is filled with bastard women.

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