Thursday 22 May 2014

Friendzone Redux

From Rollo's post on The Friendzone as Purgatory, the commentary has priceless information and questions.

My own small contribution towards the discussion involves men who drop a woman after a couple of sexual encounters and mutter about being "friends" with them:
"We can’t ever be friends when we use to be lovers…"
What does that mean?
It means that her poor little hamster cannot handle having been tossed on the trash heap of your disregard. Ironic, isn't it.
Truth is painful to receive when you've never been cavalierly discarded like a used condom before. Men get that all the time, so we are hardened to it.

Friendzoning a woman can do all sorts of strange things to her head. Remember to never root through the garbage-heap of failed girlfriends. There's a reason that they're trash.

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